Wednesday, September 25, 2013

                   My Wife and I decided we will bring our three sons, ages 11, 10 and 8 to my Grandfathers funeral. We talked about it and think they are all at ages that are appropriate. I would not bring them to the Wake at this age unless they really wanted to go. I went to one of those at their age and it gave me the willies... Wakes still do that and probably always will.
                Although they weren't especially close to my Grandfather, they knew him and enjoyed seeing him and he always lit up when they were around. Out of respect, I am bringing them.
       I also hope it will bring comfort to my Dad.
              My first instinct is to shelter them from this experience. It can be very disconcerting to adults let alone children, to be surrounded by sadness and grief. I wonder if they really need to learn this now? I still don't know how to act at these things and I feel kind of hypocritical in trying to teach them so young.
             They are all very close to both of their Grandparents. My father is almost eighty and my mother is in her seventies with severe COPD.
      She was hospitalized a few weeks ago and her lungs just would not move air. She was released  almost a week later, but still is not much better. This crap never gets "better".
                   My boys love her. They adore her and she them. I am envious of the closeness they have with her, sometimes, but I am also afraid for them.
                               I pray that God chooses to heal my mom and keep her healthy. I also know the course this disease can take and how quickly it can get worse. I feel like some sort of ghoul, but I want to prepare them for the inevitable..
        No one knows Gods plans and my parents could be fine for another twenty years. My dad is as healthy as a horse.There is also a lot of longevity on both sides, so this would not be unheard of.
     I tell myself this often, but having earned drinking money thru most of my youth playing poker, I always keep track of the odds...
            This course the COPD is taking scares the hell out of me. I want to be optimistic.
                I want my mom well. I don't think that is going to happen.
                      So a part of my reason for bringing them is to prepare them, so that in their grief down the road, they will have been thru this before. I pray it is far in the future, down a very long road.
                        My heart breaks for my dad and his family. My grandfather was a good, God fearing man. I was blessed to know him and my grandmother. They let me live with them for a while and I was able to see how much they both loved God and their family. Until that point in time,I had only seen them a few times a year. In that time, I came to love them both.
       My grandfather is with his wife and son with God today. It is not for him I mourn.
            My prayers are for his family.

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