Monday, September 14, 2015

Falling skies...

                                                           What if they're right?
                           A lot of intelligent people are forecasting an end, an earthly, and maybe a cosmic shift, on the horizon. What gets my attention and makes these swirly little hairs on the back of my neck bristle is not so much the forecasts, but the amazing diversity of people and political idiealogies that are vocalizing their worries...
                 It is not only the Christian standing on a corner with a sign declaring that the end is near. It isn't just the tree huggers with photos of melting ice caps and dried up river beds...
                     It is also the Ivy League economists and ex military, the steadfast and rational, along with assorted cuckoos from every walk of life. The convergence I'm seeing is not a solitary and prejudiced world view, but a thousand different and individual heads being scratched, trying to figure out what exactly "isn't right"...
                                  Multiple other nations are going back to a precious metal standard to base their currencies... Russia and China are selling off American debt in a whirlwind that creates so much dust, no one really knows those who are buying it.
                    Many people smarter and more educated than I, see the hundreds of trillions of worthless dollars we are printing and are wondering if we are buying our own debt back, to create illusory value.
                                       A Ponzi scheme to top all Ponzi schemes...
                        Thinking I should start typing " The Pledge of allegiance ", just in case a NSA or Homelands algorithm is catching this...
                                Jade Helm happenings in Texas...
                                   Shemita and blood moons...
                          I tried to be dismissive of all the conspiracy theories and prophetical summations that seem so prevalent, as of late. 
                                    The problem is that I grew up playing poker for drinking money, often betting more than I had to lose, in the process...
                                    You learn very quickly in that type of environment, that there is no such thing as a sure thing... But you do get real good at seeing patterns...
                              Sometimes you feel the tension building in the bar and you just KNOW all hell is about to break loose. Not the good old boy, rustle tussle that happens a lot, but that " someone's going to get hurt very badly" vibe, that you just can't shake.
                                                      If your smart...
                                   Let's just say you don't stick around for the floor show...
                                       What scares me now is that I'm getting both those feelings at once. That "sure thing" poker one that often paid my tequila bill and that other twisted gut/ horror movie chill -down -the back of my neck, that often helped to keep me in more pieces than I should have been...
                                I'm praying that all these intuitions are part of an acid flashback and I will reminisce in a decade or so, and laugh at my paranoia.
                                          I'm doubting that, though...
                            So I asked myself, if this is a Biblical deal, as so many of the pieces are lining up to be... Then how do I prepare and out think, out play and out smart the Omnipotent one behind it all?
                                                                 Uh huh...
                      As in every single moment until now, it is an Amazingly Gracious and Loving God that is looking after me, you, us..
                             And for every single moment, from here to eternity, it will be Him and His eternal Grace...
                                                   My only hope is in Him. 
         No plans or preparations on my part can ever minutely affect the history, already written...
                                        I don't often ask people this, but tonight I am going to.
                                            Are you ready...if they're right?
                          I'm not talking about food or water; I'm talking about The Bread of Life...
                                        Maybe it's ok in a blog about a Christian family man, to ask those reading it if they've accepted Jesus as their personal Savior? 
                        The crazy stories are one thing. Moderately amusing, at best, but void of any real content. Maybe, just this once, I'll put that question, the only real question, out there...
                                Do you accept that He died for all our sins and that they all have been paid for, by His Blood?
                                                Repent has such a harsh tone...
                  But all it really is, is looking at all those things that we did, that we wished we didn't, and  putting them all in a giant trash bag and handing it to the only one strong enough to carry it away...
                Own that we collected it and don't want to collect any more of that crap again...
                      More freeing than restrictive, stepping into Love and out of fear and guilt...
                               I thought I should ask, just in case no one else has ever asked you...
                                Because Jesus is real and Loves you more than you can imagine...
                                        It is the one thing I am completely sure of...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Yes, but......

                                         I wrote this seven months ago, two months after it actually happened. I wanted to post it then, but was a little too ashamed at the time. Recent events in the news ( crazy Christian lady) made me go back and re-read the draft I hid among fifty or so other unpublished diatribes.
                                      This one is for all the imperfect, screw up Christians, like me...

               I was standing in our shop at work and a guy comes in, screaming at me. He wants something done NOW!...
                                      Not a boss, just a guy inflated with ego.
                               I screamed back at him a couple of words, a group of them, really...
                     None in themselves having any bad connotation, strictly speaking, from the dictionary...
                           But together, in the sequence and tone stated,they made the entire shop floor turn around and look at me, aghast in shock. I heard a voice from a tool box nearby. " And you claim to be a Christian!?!"..
                          My head sank. Disappointed in myself for the outburst, I felt a new sensation for an occasion like this.
                                        This surprised me. Most of my Christian life I have went out of my way to insure that people knew I was not claiming to be any remnant of an example of how a Christian should look. I have explained time and time again that I am lower tiered than those of the exampled persuasion. I am a struggler and a bumbler of Faith...
                                                            It is just my way...
                                                            Not an example.
                                      The sad thing is, in the past few years I've really been trying much harder to be a better Christian than I have previously been. Maybe God put something strange inside the last couple dozen burgers I'd eaten this week, because somehow, that spiritual disclaimer I've always worn and hid behind, just wasn't cutting it anymore...
                               And what I said was bad enough to silence a room full of mechanics, each with many decades in a mill environment....
                      So I silently repented to God, and apologized profusely and owned that there was no excuse for my words or behavior to the men still standing and staring there...
                                              Since that moment, I have taken a lot of ribbing, much more than I really feel necessary. I squirm a bit, each time that story gets retold in our shop ( on a very regular basis ) as I apologize again for not only unchristian, but truly bad behavior. Each time, I have to fight every urge to justify and rationalize it away...
                                    God probably would have much preferred that I hadn't acted how I did, I'm pretty sure...
                                                                  But I did.
                                                              I screwed up...
                                                  I guess I'm a lot more like that crazy Christian lady screaming on the news than makes me comfortable. Maybe the only difference between the two of us, is that I have been Graced enough to see it, Graced enough to want to do better?
                                   Maybe all of us are brothers and sisters in that same blessing?
                                        Maybe, But for the Grace of God, could go all of us...